How do I add a new artwork to my collection?
Step 1: Navigate to collection management or click here
1. Look for a link or button at the top of the page labeled "My Art Account." Click on it to proceed.
Step 2: Open "My collection"
1. In the left portion of the page, locate and click on the "Manage your collection" button. This action will lead you to a page dedicated to managing your art collection.
Step 3: Choose an option
1. On the collection management page, you'll see two options: "Add art" and "Add collection".
2. Choose the appropriate option based on whether you want to add a single artwork or an entire collection.
Step 4: Enter artist and title
1. Specifically, locate the fields marked in red and labeled "Artist" and "Title."
2. Fill in the artist's name in the "Artist" field and the artwork's title in the "Title" field.
How do I edit an Artwork I've uploaded?
Step 1: Navigate to your Collection or click here
1. Locate on the top right side and click on the 'My Art Account' option next to your profile picture.
2. Select 'My collection'.
Step 2: Selecting the Artwork to Edit
1. You'll see a list of artworks in your collection. Locate and click on the artwork you want to edit.
Step 3: Initiating the Edit Process
1. Locate and click on the artwork you want to edit.
2. Click on "Add info".
Can I delete an Artwork I've uploaded?
Step 1: Navigate to your Collection or click here
1. Locate on the top right side and click on the 'My Art Account' option next to your profile picture.
2. Select 'My collection'.
Step 2: Selecting the Artwork you wish to delete
1. You'll see a list of artworks in your collection. Locate a small box on the left side of the artwork and mark it
2, Then a menu will pop up and click on "Delete"
How can I see the (monetary) value that each artist brings to my collection?
You can find the information in your Collection dashboard, placed under the section ‘My Collection’. Your collection dashboard contains a chart showcasing the monetary value that each artist brings to your collection. The parameters are adjustable and you can also see the value of your collection by Artworks, Category, Year of Purchase, and Medium.
Where can I find the composition of my collection/portfolio?
You can find the information in your Collection dashboard, placed under the section ‘My Art Account’. Your Collection dashboard contains a chart showcasing the ‘Portfolio composition’ that you can filter out by Artist, Category, Year of Purchase, and Medium.
How does the dashboard (collection summary) work?
Value by Artist
Portfolio composition
Collection Value over time
Collection Summary; Performance, Composition, Trading
Inventory list
Where can I find the overall performance of my collection?
You can find the information in your Collection dashboard, placed under the section ‘My Art Account’. Your Collection dashboard contains a ‘Performance’ table that shortlists the overall value of your purchases, sales, realised gain in %, realised gain in £, the current value of your collection, unrealised gain in %, and unrealised gain in £. To have a complete performance review of your collection, make sure you enter information about your purchases and sales in the artwork section.