Meet the Gallery: VirginiaVisualArts


We chat with Virginia Damtsa, Director of VVA VirginiaVisualArts Ltd. 


1. Please introduce yourself and the Gallery's vision and programme.
I am an art dealer, gallerist, curator and artist agent with over two decades of experience in the industry. My vision has always been to be innovative and avoid following any prototypes. I work closely with visionary contemporary international artists because I believe that art has a strong power in this world. I am particularly drawn to artists whose work expresses the present moment.
2. Where and how do you find new artists to exhibit and what do you look for when considering a new artist for your gallery?
I am very curious, which is why I am always on the lookout for the next big artist, or even helping to make them the next big thing. To me, a good artist is someone who is constantly developing and challenging the status quo, creating a unique and impactful body of work that will make history.
3. What do you think makes the art scene in the UK unique?
London has a very international art scene, with people from all over the world involved in its vibrant artistic community. Unfortunately, Brexit has introduced a lot of bureaucracy and cost for British artists looking to exhibit their work abroad, as well as for UK galleries looking to participate in art fairs overseas.
4. Can you tell us about your upcoming shows? 

I am thrilled to share with you my upcoming roster of diverse and captivating exhibitions. Kicking off this week, I am delighted to present the work of acclaimed American artist Bootsy Holler at the prestigious Photo London art fair in the historic building of Somerset House. On the 9th of June, I have a group show titled "Meet the Artist", located in Shoreditch, featuring an exceptional lineup of new emerging artists. After that, I am taking off to the picturesque Mediterranean island of Malta to showcase the mesmerizing creations of Berlin-based artist Atau Hamos.

But, wait, there's more! The excitement continues with a special exhibition featuring the legendary Cornelia Parker, set against the stunning backdrop of the Greek Cycladic island of Tinos. I am also excited to announce my curation of a group summer show titled 'Carrying my Landscape' in Somerset this August, inspired by the magnificent American artist Joan Mitchell. This captivating exhibition will then travel to a gallery in London, cementing its status as a truly international affair.

For Frieze week, I am curating an upcoming female-focused in Mayfair, followed by my participation in the London Art Fair after that. Stay tuned for more thrilling updates.

6. The art market is constantly changing, bringing both new opportunities and challenges to its key players. How do you, as a gallery, experience the current art market? Do you see a change in the relationship between gallerists and collectors?
The art market operates on a global scale in order to achieve success. However, with Brexit, as I mentioned before the challenges faced by art dealers in the UK have increased. It has become more expensive and bureaucratic for us. As a member of the Society of London Art Dealers, I am actively involved in addressing these issues and exploring ways to advocate for the interests of the art community.
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